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Your Weekly Checklist for “The Summer to Evolve” – July 6-10

We started the week talking about a “Day in the Life” orecruiters, specifically, all the ways they’re expected to communicate with candidates. We’re ending the week having great conversation with Damon Wayans, Jr. and Kris Jones, co-founders of Special Guest. Needless to say, it’s been a fun week. Here are some of the highlights and be sure to check out some of the recordings to catch up on anything you may have missed.  

Hot Takes from Week 4 of The Summer to Evolve 🔥   

  • 58% of job seekers and employees say that great communication is a reason for a positive candidate experience.* 
  • Half of companies use email as essentially their only channel for candidate communications, and 62% of companies don’t communicate at all with candidates for hourly roles. 
  • Keep SEO in mind when writing job titles. It doesn’t matter so much what you want to call the job — what matters is what job seekers will call it when they search for the job.  


Top Ways to Get Started Communicating with Candidates THIS WEEK 

🔲 Read industry-specific resources and recruiting blogs to see how your peers and competitors are reaching candidates. Healthcare tends to use texting since their candidates work all hours, whereas other industries prefer the familiarity of emails.  


🔲Revisit your scripts and automated messages to ensure there’s a clear call-to-action (CTA) included in each communication. This can be a link to click on an application, RSVP to a career fair, or schedule an interview.  


🔲 Find ways to measure your candidate communication better. If you’re not already tracking metrics related to email open and click-through rates, candidate response rates, and time-to-screen, explore how your team can consistently measure these KPIs. 


Top Ways to Get Started Communicating with Candidates THIS MONTH  

🔲 Put together a library of relevant documents you can quickly send to candidates to speed up communication. Documents like directions to interview locations, cultural videos, and benefit documents are easy and relevant things to include as CTAs in texts and emails.  


🔲 If your company has been discussing adding texting and chatbot features, make a list of partners you’d like to connect with, and commit to meeting with them this month. Next month, aim to compare your favorites and make a decision.  


🔲 After revisiting your metrics for candidate communication, consider the ways you could build a dashboard that displays those metrics and look for opportunities to easily share this with other recruiters, hiring managers, and talent acquisition leaders 

Thanks for joining us for Week 4 

Stay cool over the weekend, and we hope you’ll join us next week where we’ll dive deeper into job descriptions and interviewing 


*Source: Jobvite 2020 Job Seeker Nation Report