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My Book is Out!

Today is the day! I could not be more excited to announce that The Weekday Vegetarians is officially out in the world. I was just telling Andy on our walk to get coffee this morning that usually when one of my books comes out, there’s a lot of anxiousness mixed in with the excitement…but with The Weekday Vegetarians, it’s just 100% LET’S GOOOOOO. Pure euphoria. I love this book. And I really hope you do, too. 

How to buy the book…

You can find it wherever books are sold!

How to find out a little more about the book…

Here is a Q&A I did over on Cup of Jo, with lots of pics and stories about how and why we became Weekday Vegetarians. I also did a book Q&A on instagram last week that is saved to a highlight reel. As long as you’re over there, you can check out a reel I did on our family favorite, brothy beans with burrata and pesto. They were the first recipe I posted on this newsletter and I put them on the cover of my book for a reason — legit no-fuss, legit delicious. Lastly, yesterday Joe Yonan wrote about my pizza salad with marinated white beans in The Washington Post, and that was exciting for me and my beans. Thank you, Joe!

Listen to a podcast about the book….

Later this week, I’ll be dropping the next episode of The Dinner A Love Story podcast which is devoted to answering reader’s questions about the book, and about going vegetarian in general. (Thanks for all the questions! And thanks to my co-host Andy who will be joining me.) The DALS podcast is usually available only to paying subscribers, but this one is being released to everyone. Look for it in your inbox later this week, and as always: all feedback is welcome.

Listen to a recipe from the book…

Do you all know about Food52’s podcast “Play Me a Recipe?” It’s basically someone walking you through a meal while they’re cooking it in real time — and it’s unbelievably fun to listen to, even if you yourself are not cooking while you’re listening. (I like playing episodes during runs, lol.) I recorded one last week while I was making tagliatelle with corn, tomatoes, and “onion bacon” from the book (page 87) and you can listen to it here

Come to my party!

If you are local, or even local-ish, and comfortable with an in-person event, please come to a book party to celebrate with me! It takes place on September 21 at my beloved HudCo, a workshare space that is 100% the most inspiring space in the New York area. (Prove me wrong, I dare you!) The first thing you see when you walk in (after that display up there) is Picture Book a shop run by the lovely Sara Davidson who has the most excellent taste in novels, children’s literature, cookbooks, you name it. You can find all the information about the event here, but please know the ticket cost includes snacks and drinks, a book talk from yours truly, a copy of The Weekday Vegetarians, and a swag bag filled with lots of exciting things you’ll be hearing more about soon. If you already have a copy of the book, consider coming anyway and giving the copy to someone for a gift. I’ll be signing, and what is a better holiday or birthday gift than a book that includes a personal message? ALSO, if you want to come to the party but don’t want to wait three weeks to get a signed book, we can definitely make sure that happens. Just get in touch with Sara or me. Hope to see you there!

Spicy Cauliflower Fritters with Yogurt and Pea Shoots

Send me pics…

Nothing makes me happier than seeing my recipes out in the real world. Please email me photos ( or if you’re on instagram, tag me so I can repost. I’ve been loving what I’m seeing so far.

Thank you as always for the support. Back to regularly scheduled programming next week!