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Things We Can Do

Back in March, I started the Pantry Project Purpose series to help keep everybody sane and connected during quarantine, and also because it felt good to offer a little escapist comfort from what is playing out in the world and the front pages every day. But the events of the last week have reminded me how privileged I am to even consider the concept of escape, when so many people in this country live in a state of fear every day of their lives. If you want to find me this week, I won’t be posting about food; I’ll only be on instagram, doing what I can to share resources and information about George Floyd and the systemic racial injustice in this country that leads to these incidents again and again and again. If you’re not on instagram, here are a few things you can do:

Sign the NAACP Justice for George Floyd Petition.

If you are in a position to do so, donate to the organizations fighting against racial inequalities on the front lines day in and day out, not just when high-profile cases bring to light America’s painfully deep-seeded inequalities: Southern Poverty Law Center, Equal Justice Initiative, Legal Defense Fund, and the ACLU.

Donate to the George Floyd Memorial Fund if you can.

However imperfectly, talk about anti-racism. Read about anti-racism, practice anti-racism. “‘I’m not racist’ is a slogan of denial,” says Ibram X. Kendi. If you are white, make a conscious decision to acknowledge your privilege, make a conscious effort to teach your children to acknowledge their privilege. If your kids (or you) are on social media, point them in the direction of the people whose voices need the megaphone right now: Rachel Cargle, Rachel Ricketts, and Kendi, even if — especially if — it makes you uncomfortable.

Adopt a State. One thing I know for sure, when the country is literally in flames, a real leader doesn’t stoke the fires of rage and divisiveness to galvanize his base, and better his chance of re-election. Four more years of Trump is unimaginable and we have to do everything we can to stop it from happening. Adopt a State mobilizes support and volunteers for six battleground states that will be crucial for winning 2020. Our family is adopting Michigan. I hope you will consider choosing one, too.

Stay safe.

The post Things We Can Do appeared first on Dinner: A Love Story.