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3 Ways to Gather Candidate Feedback

You can employ the most advanced ATS systems and software available, but how do you know that you’re maximizing candidate engagement through the hiring process? Hiring the right people is not just about finding the right person; it’s about being able to convince them that you’re a company worth working for.

Even though gathering feedback is well worth the effort involved, in many cases it is time-intensive and clunky, making for an awkward experience for everyone involved. Here are three ways to gather the feedback you need to entice the candidate that you want.

1. Send a Survey

This may be somewhat awkward if the interview didn’t go well, but make it a part of your recruiting process to automatically send a survey to the candidate asking them to rate the experience. Instead of asking generic questions about whether they were comfortable, ask more direct questions pertaining to brand awareness, how the pre-interview process went (phone calls, emails, etc.) and the behavior of the interviewee (whether they were on time, asked relevant questions, etc.). By asking these types of questions while the interview is still fresh in the applicant’s mind, you’ll be better able to shape the format for future sessions.

2. Send a Simple Text

If emails are a little too cumbersome to sort through (most aren’t too difficult provided you use a reputable applicant tracking system), then consider sending a one-question text that simply asks whether or not the candidate would be willing to recommend your company to others in the future. This is called a “Net Promoter Score,” and it is used by many companies to determine whether or not the applicant is leaning toward their company or was turned off by the experience.

The score falls on a scale of 1 to 10 and is broken down into three categories: If the person rates the experience a 9-10, they are defined as a “promoter” of your company and feel very favorable toward you. A score of 7-8 is defined as passive, meaning it could go either way, while anything at a 6 or below is rated as a failure. Monitor your Net Promoter Score over time as a good barometer for the overall experience.

3. Use a Chatbot

Although chatbots are most commonly associated with things like Facebook Messenger and internet marketing, they can also be utilized by companies that want to monitor the online application experience. If someone abandons the interview process online, a chatbot can ask why and try to shepherd them back toward finishing. If one question is taking longer than normal, the bot can ask them if the question is confusing. The best part about using a chatbot is that it is seamlessly integrated into the application experience, and the user almost always engages with the software. Little tweaks like this help optimize candidate engagement and produce a more satisfied and enthusiastic applicant.