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Are You Doing All You Can to Attract Top Talent?

Attracting the best candidates to your company requires a commitment to streamlining your recruiting solutions. If you’re not focusing on these five areas, then you’re likely going to lose top talent to competitors.

Simple Apply Process

Interested candidates want to be able to send in their applications quickly and with as little hassle as possible. Having a lengthy, complicated, or confusing application process is a guaranteed way to miss out on top talent. Most candidates prefer to spend 10 minutes or less applying for a job and don’t have the time, patience, or desire to wade through an extensive questionnaire or hunt down a mountain of paperwork for submission.

Mobile Optimized Experience

Today’s candidates use their mobile devices to look for job opportunities, get alerts on new job postings, and save job listings to return to later. When a job seeker comes across a position at your company for which he or she wishes to apply, a lack of mobile optimization on your career website could be a deal breaker. Optimizing your site for mobile, including simplifying navigation and providing methods for quick contact, shows applicants you’re serious about recruiting top talent, and it has the added bonus of improving your site’s visibility in search results.

Multi-Channel Communication Options

Restricting communication between your company and potential candidates to a single channel risks losing the interest of top talent before they even apply. Make sure applicants can contact you through as many channels as possible, including phone, social media, and text messaging. Monitor every channel using applicant tracking and respond in real time to avoid missing important opportunities.

Social Recruiting

Young job seekers are actively using social media to find positions. Among candidates ages 18 to 34, 73 percent say they found their last job via a social platform. Surprisingly, LinkedIn isn’t the most popular place for these candidates to search. The talent your business needs is far more active on Facebook, so if you want to be among the 59 percent of companies reporting they found their highest-quality workers through social recruiting, then it’s crucial to be active in this community.

Employer Branding

It’s up to you to craft an attractive image of your company for potential candidates. Every avenue you use for promotion must reflect the values, culture, and vision of the business to create an inviting image of what it’s like to work as part of your team. A strong employer brand also improves your reputation among employees and prompts positive word-of-mouth advertising. If candidates see a positive atmosphere, satisfied employees, and room for professional growth, then they’re more likely to seek a position and stick around if they’re hired.

Combine these tactics in your recruitment system to maximize the potential of attracting top talent. When you have a streamlined application process, active communication channels, and a well-established brand, the best candidates will come to you.