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Build a More Diverse Workforce for Your Best Year Yet

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From entry-level employees to leadership, a workforce with varied backgrounds and experiences brings greater perspectives and drives more innovation. Simply put, workplace diversity improves a company’s bottom line and creates a greater exchange of ideas, competencies, and skills among staff.

Your recruiters know that getting the best diversity candidates can be one of the toughest industry challenges. The right candidates aren’t always available on the company’s timeline, and the candidate pool you’re fishing from can be small depending on your need.

Recruiting Rule #1: Never Leave Good Talent on the Table

Our recent guide, Connecting the Dots to Build Talent Pipelines with the Right Candidates, talks about what we believe to be THE best way to reach the most qualified candidates from a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and abilities — and ensure that quality talent is never overlooked.

The idea of targeted audience planning is borrowed from marketers, and it’s all about understanding diverse types of workers so you can better attract them and help them succeed in your business.

Real-Life Examples of Turning Diverse Candidates into Strategic Audiences

We tracked some of the most successful companies over the past year, and we’ve collected some of the best examples of targeted audience planning that can help act as a blueprint for reaching, and speaking to, these strategic candidate types.

High-Volume and Highly Skilled Healthcare Workers

Healthcare workers ranging from nurses to doctors to technicians present an interesting challenge for recruiters. They’re some of our society’s most important roles to fill, but between special certifications, mandatory assessments, and various scheduling requirements, it can be difficult to find the right candidate for the job.

But we spoke with thought leaders in the healthcare industry, and we dove into how personalized website journeys and video interviewing enables recruiters to tailor content for specific targeted candidates and roles, and allows candidates to go through the interview process at their own pace by recording video responses to questions. The result was an increase in hiring quality healthcare employees, most of which were already in their ATS.

Hiring our Veteran Heroes

Roughly 250,000 military members transition to civilian life each year. And this unique population offers specialized skills best summarized by Ed Yvonne Calo, VP of TA at Premise Health, during a recent webinar about the importance of hiring veterans:

“…veteran hiring matters because these folks are coming out of the military with this unique set of training and skills that we really look for, whether it’s a focus on leadership, a focus on building teams, being a part of a team, or it’s a focus on completing a mission, these are skills that are transferable and adaptable in every single organization…”

He goes on to describe how creating targeted ad campaigns and posts on social in combination with text communication help put his employer brand’s best foot forward and lets veterans know they’re wanted and welcome at Premise Health.

Making Diversity Part of Your DNA

While diversity often refers to the inclusion of people of different races and ethnicities, diversity can also refer to people of different abilities, backgrounds, and experiences.

For diversity to become a part of your company’s DNA, media talent leaders revealed that you must start by including a statement about diversity in your company’s values and then gaining executive buy-in to lead by example and help plan business initiatives around these values.

From there, it’s important that organizations support and participate in professional networking groups and campus groups that include diverse groups of candidates.

If you’ve read our guide on how to include Targeted Audience Planning into your recruiting strategy, reach out. We’d be happy to chat with you.