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Implementing AI Recruitment: Questions to Ask

AI recruitment automation conceptAutomation and artificial intelligence are moving into every part of our lives. From driving our cars to customer service, the phenomenon is only going to get more prominent. Indeed, AI is bringing benefits like efficiency, accuracy, and ease of use to the recruiting industry, and recruiters are realizing that automation can mean faster and better hires.

AI can help recruiters by speeding up processes and eliminating bottlenecks in bringing on candidates. It allows companies to reach out to several different candidates at the same time, automatically, based on parameters set by recruitment personnel. It can be used to store and organize employee and prospective employee information, and it can be set up to make preliminary decisions about budget and hiring.

The possibilities for AI recruitment systems going forward are limited only by the imaginations of companies and recruiters. As with any new technology, though, AI has a learning curve and requires an investment of time and effort to implement effectively. If your company is considering using AI as part of the recruiting process, you should consider the following questions.

Where Are Your Candidates Coming From?

The effectiveness of AI on your recruiting efforts will depend, at least in part, on how you recruit. For those who make use of social recruiting, AI can be particularly effective. Social recruiting uses social media to identify and communicate with candidates. More than 73% of 18 to 34 year-olds say they have taken jobs thanks to social channels.

Companies that find candidates via active methods like career fairs and on-campus recruiting can use AI talent acquisition software to gather and organize candidate information. During in-person interactions with company representatives, candidates can input their resumes with a photo and create digital profiles that recruiters can use for future communications.

What Is Your Anticipated Growth Rate?

In some cases, growing companies need to bring on more people, both candidates and recruiters. This can mean screening a large number of people. Companies that implement AI systems can consistently vet 10 times as many candidates as those that don’t, moving them through the early stages of hiring much more rapidly. Once candidates are identified, automation allows for regular targeted contact during the interview process as well as until after they’re hired.

Employee retention is often an overlooked benefit of automated recruitment tools. AI systems can improve and maintain employee engagement even after onboarding, especially during the first 90 days of employment. If your company is growing quickly, AI and automation systems and software can help you find the best candidates while also helping candidates make a successful transition into their new jobs.

Are You Targeting Passive Candidates?

AI systems can be helpful whether you’re targeting candidates who are actively looking for jobs or candidates who are already employed but also open to new opportunities. The majority of the employee pool, 75%, falls into the latter, passive candidate group. Social media and AI are ideal for reaching passive candidates as search processes can be automated. Filters can be applied to identify the candidates who are right for the job. The best potential hires can then be directly contacted automatically.

Automated applicant tracking systems can help your recruitment efforts by streamlining processes and taking repetitive tasks off the desks of recruiters. With ATS software, you can readily and efficiently allocate company resources to identify, track, and communicate with the best candidates, resulting in better hires and increased rates of retention.