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The Journey from Candidate to Employee: A Modern Guide

If you’ve ever wondered where in the world these modern, nomadic candidates could be (literally anywhere in the world), or you’ve asked yourself what their favorite way to find a new job is (they love when a friend @ mentions them on Twitter), you’ve come to the right place!

Here’s a day in the life of a modern candidate — which may or may not have been inspired by real-life events. See if you can spot the ways your company can stand out from the crowd and move the candidate through the recruiting process fast and with little disruption to their busy lives.

8:00am – Alarm goes off, but I’ve been up since 6:30am checking out the Twittersphere, stalking the people who are stalking me on LinkedIn, and raging against all the birthday notifications I got from Facebook.

9:15am – Heading out the door, and I’m on track to be about 15 minutes late…I’m probably going to have to mobile order my coffee from Starbucks.

10:30am – I’ve been low-key looking for a new job for a couple of weeks now, and I just saw an email about moving forward to the next step of the process! #killingit. Want to answer quickly but headed into a meeting. Mental note: Text Greg who’s currently working at the company for his opinion (and maybe a reference?).

11:18am – Meeting ended a little late, and I hope that my lack of response about the job doesn’t make me look disinterested. Also, I think Karen knows I’m looking for another job.

12:00pm – Recruiter started texting me some initial questions, and I think it’s going really well! Also, texted Greg, and he said he loves the company, so that’s a good sign. I think I’ll be able to discreetly text the recruiter throughout the day, which is cool.

12 – 6pm – Work, work, work, work, work

6:30pm – Meeting Vanessa for drinks, and I’m going to bribe her to use her photography skills to help me with a new LinkedIn profile pic. It desperately needs updating.

9:00pm – Trying to figure out how to use my next couple of hours wisely: do I binge on Stranger Things or do some research for the phone interview? Both it is.

11:00pm – I’ve watched some company videos, researched the role, and updated my LinkedIn pic. It’s not as late as I thought! Maybe I should start planning my trip to Greece?!?!

Wait. What’s the company’s PTO/remote working policy? *Frantically texts Greg*

Oh, its super flexible. Perfect.

11:30pm – Lights off, face mask on, and ready to rest after a productive day.

As you can see, today’s candidates are fast-moving individuals, who probably already have jobs, but are open to a new opportunity — if it’s the right one.

Thankfully, through tools like texting, video, and social recruiting, you can make sure you’re attracting new candidates and making it easy for them to apply, interview, and be hired!

Learn how you can start recruiting the modern candidate by reaching out today.