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What Every Job Seeker Should Know: Jobvite’s 2020 Recruiter Nation Survey

Each year, Jobvite surveys recruiters nationwide for its Recruiter Nation Report to ascertain where the industry’s priorities, concerns, and investments lie. From the resultsrecruiters throughout the U.S. learn industry trends as well as what’top of mind for their peersBut the results are also a gold mine of information for another important group—job seekers.   

With the countrin the midst of economic uncertaintyan unemployment rate at roughly 8%, and 2.5 unemployed individuals for every job opening, a better understanding of how recruiters think can transform into job search success. What is important in the eyes of the recruiter based on the 2020 Recruiter Nation Survey? 

Social Media, Social Media, Social Media 

Nearly 80% of recruiters say social media is the area most likely to see increased financial investments in the next 12 months. No surprise, since social media has risen over the last three years for recruiting purposes. Social media channels most used for recruiting are LinkedIn (72%)Facebook (60%)Twitter (38%)Instagram (37%)Glassdoor (36%)and YouTube (27%). To a smaller extent, newer social media outlets such as TikTok and Snapchat have also been added to the mixpresumably for roles that might appeal to younger candidates.  

Job seekers should monitor sites like LinkedIn especially ithey’re looking to work for a larger organizationRecruiter Nation Survey results show larger companies (500+ employees) are more likely to invest in recruiting through LinkedIn than smaller companies. 

And remember, recruiters are not just using social media to advertise jobs, but also to screen candidates. What job seekers post online can have a negative impact on a company’s decision to move forward with them as a candidate. The biggest recruiter turn-offs? Spelling and grammar errors in posts or tweets (53%), references to marijuana (45%), alcohol consumption (42%), political posts (32%), and pictures of body showing skin (30%). Before you apply for a jobaudit your social media accounts to put your best foot forward. 

Making a Great Impression on Video Interviews  

Job seekers, it’s time to prime your video interviewing skills if you haven’t already. In the pandemic job market, 67% of recruiters are interviewing using video, and 40% of recruiters believe virtual interviews will be the default moving forward. The transition from in-person interviewing includes trip-ups to avoid in practiceWhat are some of the biggest video interview mistakes recruiters see from candidates? Poor internet connectivity (37%), inappropriate attire (25%), and poor eye contact (23%).  

We recommend candidates do a test-run with a friend or family member on a video-conferencing application. Make sure your internet speed and connectivity can support a video interview. If not, find another location that can, like a friend’s house or quiet café with WIFI  

Even with video, the fundamental rules of interviewing remain the same. The interviewer can still see you, at least from the waist up, so dress to impress even when you’re in a more relaxed home environmentNot sure what to wear? Ask the recruiter what ensemble would be expected for the particular company—it tends to differ.  

Recruiters want to feel job seekers are engaged and interested in the position, so eye contact throughout is must. Job seekers should practice looking at their camera, not the screen, beforehand. These video interviewing skills will also show the recruiter that you can communicate well in a remote setting, a skill to highlight since one-third (32%) of surveyed recruiters report that 50% or more of open roles at their organization are being hired as remote workers 

Employee Referral and Internal Mobility Programs May be Missed Opportunities  

Employee referral programs are the secondhighest hiring source (29%) for recruiters behind internal candidates. So, ask your friends and professional network about opportunities within their companies and see if they can refer you for job via their company’s referral program. Because there are often incentives given for top-quality referrals, it can be a win-win for both the referrer and the referee. Over 70% of recruiters say their organizations offer employee referral programs and 88% incentivize referrals, but 2/3 of employees in a previous survey had never participated in their company’s referral program. This is a huge missed opportunity for employees to help connect their friends and colleagues with jobs.   

Another often overlooked opportunity is internal job postings. Internal hires remain recruiters’ top-rated source for hiring, with 36% of them saying it’s their best source for high-quality candidates. While some organizations may be forced to rethink talent strategies and reduce their workforce these days, others are actually growing or looking for new talent. Sixtytwo percent of recruiters say that at least 25% of open roles include an internal candidate. But 65% of workers rarely or never check their internal postings. 

What a missed opportunity, especially in this job market. Don’t overlook great jobs available in your own backyard.  

Most Employers are Committed to Candidate Diversity   

Inquiring about an organization’s diversity and inclusion initiatives has become more common for job seekers. One-third of recruiters reported that applicants are doing this more than in the previous year, as many desire a company culture that promotes a diverse workforce and supports inclusion.  

The good news for job seekers is that a majority of surveyed companies have specific goals for diversity in hiring with respect to race/ethnicity (63%), gender (54%), age (37%), veterans (33%), LGBTQ+ (29%), immigrants (28%), and disability (25%). Organizations are being held to higher standards accounting for how they source, recruit, hire, and employ with increased diversity 

Turn Your Silver Medal into Job Gold  

Have you ever come just short of getting a job? Well, it turns out that 77% of recruiters have circled back to hire a candidate who was the second or third choice on their list, or who had great resume, but just wasn’t quite a fit for the opening at the time. Recruiters keep these silver medalists in mind, so job seekers should wrap up every interview process on a professional and courteous note leaving the door openIt may lead to a call back in the end. 

On the topic of good impressions, we leave job seekers with one final piece of advice from our findings—take time to minimize recruiters’ stress. Everyone’s stress levels are on the rise today including recruiters, 61% of whom report at least somewhat increased stress levels since the onset of the pandemic. When job searching, help make recruiters’ jobs easier by being responsive, transparent, on-time, and positiveand increase your chances of making a good impression along the way.  

Jobvite’s Recruiter Nation Report will be published soon. Sign up today for Jobvite’s email subscription to get immediate access to all of the important findings and analysis.