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Your Weekly Checklist for “The Summer to Evolve” — August 10-14

“Promote from within” is a mantra that many organizations believe in. But creating an effective internal mobility program takes more than good intentions. 

Week 9 was all about turning your existing workforce into a robust talent pipeline — and giving high-performing employees a reason to stay with your organization for the long-term. Here are some key takeaways from our sessions on internal mobility: 

Hot Takes from Week 9 of “The Summer to Evolve” 🔥  


  • According to Jobvite’s most recent Job Seeker Nation report, 65% of workers rarely or never check internal job postings — so employers need to take action to keep their top employees from looking elsewhere.


  • Lack of internal mobility is a costly problem for employers. One Gallup poll placed the cost of involuntary turnover at more than $1 trillion, and the cost of replacing an employee can be as high as two times the employee’s salary.


  • Internal mobility doesn’t always require a promotion! Nearly 90% of employees say they would consider a lateral move within their company.

Top Ways to Get Started with Internal Mobility THIS WEEK 

🔲 Build awareness around your internal job postings. Create messaging to increase transparency around internal opportunities, and build campaigns to get the information out to your workforce.

🔲 Start developing ground rules for internal hiring. For example, many companies require employees to be in their current role for a certain amount of time (six months, 12 months) before trying something new. It’s also common to require employees to notify their current manager before they can apply for a different role.

🔲 Help managers understand that internal mobility benefits everyone. They’re likely focused on the potential to lose valued employees to other roles — what they probably don’t see is the wealth of internal talent that may be available to them.

Top Ways to Improve Internal Mobility THIS MONTH  

🔲 Gain visibility into your existing workforce. This can include talent profiles, which provide valuable information about your employees’ skills and career goals, as well as surveys to understand their motivations and attitudes toward the organization. Use this information to build an internal talent database within your CRM.

🔲 Create incentives for managers who take an active role in career coaching and developing their employees for internal mobility. Also consider incentivizing your recruiting team to look inside the company to fill open roles.

🔲 Work toward an intentional, structured internal mobility program, rather than relying on “water cooler conversations.” An informal approach to internal hiring tends to reward employees who are good networkers — not necessarily the top performers.

Thanks for joining us for Week 9!  

Hopefully this week’s sessions gave you some great ideas for building that internal talent pipeline. Next week, we’ll turn to a topic that touches almost every aspect of recruitment marketing: content strategy.