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S’mores Popcorn

What are you going to do when four 1st grade girls are about to take over your house for an epic play date? You want to give them a fun snack to eat in between Beanie Boo sharing and giggling but you don’t want it to be coated in sugar – perhaps only mildly sugar-laden.

Our solution for such a sweet dilemma: S’mores Popcorn.

It’s sweet, but not too much so, salty and delightfully reminiscent of that campfire favorite. In fact if you happen you have smoked salt on hand use that here. I wish I would have thought of that during one the many times I’ve made this popcorn. Next time.

I use a bit of restraint here but if you prefer I don’t see why you couldn’t double the quantity of butter and marshmallows – making it teeter more towards dessert than play date snack.  Feel free to adjust any of the quantities to your taste. This recipe is very forgiving particularly where the chocolate and salt are involved.


S’mores Popcorn



Yield 6-8 Servings


1/2 cup popcorn kernels

4 tablespoons butter

1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs

1 cup mini marshmallows


1 – 2 ounces dark chocolate


Pop the popcorn into a very large bowl.

Simmer the butter in a saucepan over medium heat until the color changes and it smells nutty. Turn off the heat then stir in the marshmallows. Turn the heat back on if the marshmallows need a bit more of a nudge to melt and blend with the butter.

Carefully pour the butter mixture over the popcorn and then add the graham crumbs. Stir this mixture (carefully as the butter is extremely hot) add a couple of good pinches of sea salt as you stir. Finally grate the chocolate over top. Taste and add more salt if needed.

Courses Snack


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