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A New Home for the Holidays

by Aimee

Hello from the other side of the Montreal-to-Halifax journey.

It’s been quiet here on the blog, mainly because over the past month we packed up a truck with all of our belongings and moved our three kids and two cats to an ocean province. For those just tuning it, it was a lifestyle move, a conscious step to slow down and refocus in a place that truly values family over ambition.

I’ve been waiting for inspiration to strike and the right words to explain how much this journey from homestead to seashore means to us. I’m still not quite there yet, but I wanted to give an update, especially for the kind readers who have messaged and emailed to check in. Thank you for sharing our excitement and joy.

Yes we’re here in Nova Scotia! And we’re slowly getting settled before the holidays. Every morning we wake up, look out over the water and breathe a sigh of contentment. We can’t quite believe our dream has come true, after so many months of waiting.

I feel like I could write a whole book just on the waiting part. It is sometimes so much harder to sit still and trust than to take a leap of faith. I’m such a woman of action – I am always ready to say yes to new adventures – but I discovered that I am not so good at being patient or waiting for the right time to step out.

In the end though, we bought a cozy cottage on an acre of land just 15 minutes outside of Halifax. It’s on a beautiful, quiet lake, where we have big dreams for a dock wide enough to run a table down the middle and host dinner on the dock. Will dock dinners replace my harvest dinners of summer’s past? Only time will tell.

Our new neighbourhood is the perfect mix of community and country, with schools close by and a little farmers market I can walk to for fresh fish, veggies, good coffee and bread. There’s apparently a microbrewery in the plans for the street; and across the lake, a provincial park sprawls with all-season walking trails in all directions.

More than physical beauty, though, it already feels like we have more margin in our lives. More space. The simple fact that the Maritime provinces don’t deal with city traffic – that alone adds hours (yes, hours) to our days.

The Atlantic ocean is just twenty minutes away and you can take your pick of white sand beaches, quaint fishing villages or rugged coastline trails. We love them all and can’t wait to explore every corner of this beautiful province starting with wineries, lighthouses and exquisite ocean views.

Lobster season started this week in our area – I may say that casually, but really, I can’t believe that this is how I get to eat local now. Lobster fettuccine, lobster Cobb salad, and lobster rolls are all in our immediate future.

I’m not sure how many interior photos I’ll share (or if you are even interested), as the home feels a bit sacred – private – right now. There are still boxes everywhere, yet it feels like a hygge home from top to bottom.

I will share this view from my little writing office, though. It’s a space just big enough to hold a small desk, a bookshelf and one chair – but that lake view! So far, it has been inspiring, even in the grey month of November.

Nova Scotiaian readers, please drop me a note to say hello ( aimee @ simplebites dot net) I am feeling a tad alone in this new place, although I’m sure it won’t be long before I find my community. Food has a way of connecting us all.

Readers, you can follow my Maritime adventures on Instagram @aimeeofns where I promise to post more than just lobster. 🙂

Have a beautiful countdown to the holidays. xox Aimée

A New Home for the Holidays

is a post from Simple Bites

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