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Merry Christmas from our home to yours

by Aimee

From all of us here at Simple Bites, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

The Christmas chaos has subsided for a few hours and the children have retired into various corners of the house with books, games and candy canes. I think Danny is sneaking in a nap and I’ve just brewed a cup of tea.

We are loving being home this year (remember last year we were in the Halifax NICU lending support to family) with heaps and heaps of snow to play in, and an enormous tree filling our living room. We have much to celebrate.

Wherever you may be on this holiday, and whatever your reason is for celebrating, I hope that you are surrounded by love and laughter.

I’m guessing many of you are in the kitchen, and I am there with you! We started the day with a simple continental brunch of fresh fruit, madeleines and plenty of coffee.

Later we will gather with extended family for the traditional turkey dinner. I have three dozen mince tarts in the oven right now to bring along for dessert. Hooray!

Thank you for being here. I couldn’t let this day pass without wishing you a very happy Christmas…

Sending love!

Merry Christmas from our home to yours

is a post from Simple Bites

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