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How to Build a Path for Engagement Using a Content Hub

Build a path for engagement

Building relevant, educational, and effective digital content is critical for modern buying processes  especially for complex offerings.  Composing the right content and generating online traffic can be hefty work.  

However, the actual experience of end-to-end content consumption is often not properly considered.  In an attention economy, getting clicks and views isn’t enough.  In order to move your ideal online visitor to the next stage in their buying journey, there must be a purposeful path for engagement.

Here at Uberflip, we believe the answer to creating this path is a combination of intelligent user experience, pertinent content, and the right asks at the right time.  We’ve engineered a “content experience” platform that not only captures curiosity, but maintains it, encourages it, and shapes it into an actionable interest.

Here are a few of the ways we create a path for engagement:

1. Provide relevant content

When someone is interested in your online content, fuel their interest with more pertinent content.   On the front end of a website, it can look as simple as suggesting related content.  On the back-end, a solution like Uberflip allows you to tag, filter, and intelligently suggest the next best piece of content.  Ensure that your audience always has a clear opportunity to continue consuming relevant material, and eliminate dead ends in a content path.

Other Content

2. Encourage self-selection

Chances are that your customers have different roles, come from different companies, and are trying to solve different problems.  It’s important to carefully consider each customer profile, and make it easy for your potential customers to find what they’re looking for (while simultaneously paying attention to their behavioral data).  There are countless ways to do this.

One simple yet effective example is a well-designed menu structure that encourages self-selection and becomes increasingly targeted as your audience continues down the buying journey.  To create this, a robust back-end organization greatly helps.  Uberflip has Smart Filters that allow content to exist under individual or multiple topics, and to be served up based on interest.  

Back Office Associates

BackOffice Associates offers up different content organizations to make it easier for their readers to find what they're looking for.

3. Offer multiple opportunities to engage along the way

Whether your online audience is just browsing your website or looking for a solution, providing multiple opportunities to engage with your brand allows your audience to stay involved long after they leave your website.  Create different “asks” based on what stage your audience is in their buying journey (but not too many!).  CTAs

Uberflip makes it easy to build a wide variety of “Calls to Action” (CTAs) to engage an online audience.  Leading into the next topic, the more personal the CTA, the higher the conversion rate will be.

4. Be personal & relevant

When visitors see that content is specifically geared toward them, they are more likely to engage. Uberflip has several tools that can be used by marketers, salespeople, and support to be more personal.

Based on your online audience’s behavior, you can create content and CTAs that speak to who they are or what they’re interested in.  In addition, Uberflip can be used for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and for sales teams to give prospects educational content, brochures, or RFP materials that are highly targeted to their identity.  

ABM Stream

Here at Uberflip, creating a persuasive path for engagement not only has a major impact on our conversion rates but also allows us to better connect with our audience.   

Want a deeper dive into how you can make amazing content experiences? Read our Ultimate Guide to Content Experiences eBook!