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Mastering the Balancing Act of Tech and Human Touch in Recruiting

Today, life revolves around technology. This includes peoples’ personal lives as well as their professional lives. For recruiters, technology such as smartphones, text messaging, and social media can be tremendously advantageous for hiring. They make it easier to find and attract top talent while reducing hiring time. However, even though technology is a valuable asset to your applicant tracking system, it is important to remember that candidates are still human. Ultimately, they value a personal connection. Therefore, balancing technology and the human element is key to successful hiring.


Technology certainly has a place in the screening process, specifically in the form of texting. Nearly 80% of job seekers report landing a job through texting. Of the companies that use it for screening, 90% say it is imperative to their recruiting solutions.

However, the human element is important in the screening process, too. While text messages enable quicker interactions between the candidate and recruiter, the recruiter must still create thoughtful and relevant screening questions.


Technology facilitates candidate interviews as well. A high-tech recruitment system can manage interviewing logistics like scheduling meeting times, distributing documents and company information to candidates, and even providing them with directions and meeting location information. With studies showing that only one in 10 candidates shows up for an interview, any extra incentive helps.

While technology makes it easy for candidates to make an interview, the human touch makes them feel valued. After getting through the initial screening process, recruiters can personally meet with candidates. By getting to know applicants in person, recruiters get a better sense of whether or not their personalities, interests, and qualifications are a good fit for the company.


Research shows that companies with the highest levels of employee engagement have 59% less turnover than those who do not build a strong employee-employer bond. They also report 41% fewer absences and a 21% boost in productivity. Onboarding is a powerful part of building that vital connection. Adding technology to your ATS tracking system makes it easy to send a new hire invitations to events, information about benefits, training videos, and more.

Onboarding is critical for developing a good relationship with a new hire and keeping his or her interest. In surveys, 96% of employees say that empathy makes them want to stay at a job. Employees who do not feel personally valued in a company are less likely to perform well. They are more likely to leave, too. Interactive training sessions, first-day lunches, and welcome activities add a crucial human touch.

Employment Branding

Not surprisingly, the human touch and technology also go hand in hand with company branding. Technology helps disseminate branding information such as videos and upcoming events across social media and other broad platforms.

While technology helps get word of your company out to the public, the human touch can drum up valuable employee support. Employee appreciation days, surveys, and other motivational gestures improve employee engagement and satisfaction.

Technology is expediting and simplifying the hiring process for recruiters worldwide. However, even in the face of change, it is important to keep the human element to make sure employees are happy, engaged, and truly on your company’s team.