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Content Roundup: Social Media Trends for B2B

Things change fast in the social world. From the rise of livestreaming to a potential Twitter sale, a lot has been going on in the past few months.

Here's a rundown of three trends B2B marketers should have on their radars:


Livestreaming is nothing new. We saw huge success for Periscope and the now-dead Meerkat earlier last year. Now that Facebook has entered the space with Live, there seems to be more of an interest thanks to a more captive audience on the platform and less of a requirement for high-quality technology and production, like Google Hangouts’ live streams often require. Livestreaming has the potential to help you develop much stronger connections with your audience and can help you let them in on the action (like Vidyard’s CEO did when he livestreamed their team marching to a new office space).

Read this: What B2B Brands Need to Know Before Using Facebook Live

Snapchat vs. Stories

Instagram launched Stories back in August while B2B marketers were still scratching their heads trying to figure out how to integrate Snapchat into their social media strategy. While both have pros and cons, Snapchat requires a much larger and more engaged audience. If your users aren’t on Snapchat, you’re wasting your time trying to get them to engage with you there. Here at Uberflip, we’ll be focusing on Stories over Snapchat for now, using Snapchat only for its on-demand geofilters which is a super simple and low-cost way to add an extra element of branding to your events (like we did at UFX and for our summer team building event!).

Read this: Instagram Stories vs Snapchat in a Nutshell – What You Need to Know

Twitter Moments

Uberflip's Twitter Moments

Is Twitter being sold? Will anyone buy it? Whatever happens, Twitter is an incredibly valuable tool and continues to be the highest driver of social traffic to our Hub. In September, Twitter opened its storytelling feature, Moments, to everyone. Moments provides an easy way to collect tweets (yours and others’) and tell a story in a format that’s easy to follow and made specifically for mobile consumption. We’ve already started experimenting with using Moments here at Uberflip, using it as a space to host our newly launched weekly poll series and a way to pull together a monthly roundup of tweets for our followers.

Read this: Twitter's Moment feature is now open to all: Here's how to use it

Can you answer a QuickQ? Check out the latest in a series of weekly content marketing polls on Twitter:

The most important metric to measure on social:
(Check out this guide from @sproutsocial:

— Uberflip (@Uberflip) October 13, 2016

Have you used any of these new tools in your own social media marketing? Tweet @Uberflip and let us know!