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Can City (Vimeo)

Buenas dias mijos!

Short film about a mobile aluminium foundry casting stools from waste on the streets of São Paulo. Studio Swine has made a collection of aluminium furniture from street materials of São Paulo. Using a mobile foundry to smelt aluminum cans using waste vegetable oil collected from local cafes as a fuel. Waste collectors known as Catadores mine the streets for materials to produce a furniture series with vernacular aesthetic, providing a portrait of the streets. The Can Stools are made simply with sand casting technique using readily available construction sand from local building sites, and by casting an assemblage of objects found on the streets. The furnace and the tools are made with salvaged materials. Can City creates a system where Catadores (waste collectors) can use this free metal and free fuel to produce an endless range of individually crafted aluminum items. 'Can City' was made for Coletivo Amor de Madre Gallery, São Paulo. The project was made possible with the generous support of Heineken. The film is by Juriaan Booij.