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(no)where(now)here : 2 gaze-activated dresses by ying gao

The series comprising two dresses, made of photoluminescent thread and eye tracking technology, is activated by spectators' gaze. A photograph is said to be “spoiled” by blinking eyes – here however, the concept of presence and of disappearance are questioned, as the experience of chiaroscuro (clarity/obscurity) is achieved through an unfixed gaze. La série de 2 robes, faite de fils photoluminescents, utilisant la technologie oculométrique, est activée par le regard du spectateur. Tel un clignement des yeux qui "gâche" une photographie, tout en interrogeant le concept de la présence et de la disparition, l'expérience de clair - obscure se vit pourtant à travers le regard incertain. fashion designer : ying gao, robotics designer : simon laroche, assistants : andrée-anne bédard, marie-ève lecavalier, marye roy, interns : sandrine geoffrion, helena brohm. video : curious montreal music : gymnopédie no. 1 - Erik Satie models : folio hair makeup : emilie filteau shoes : jerome c. rousseau