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Rules: Win a pair of Sonia’s pointe shoes

« Win a signed pair of Sonia’s pointe shoes »
Contest Rules

1. The « Win a signed pair of Sonia’s pointe shoes » contest is held by Groupe TVA and Canadian Living. Groupe TVA and Canadian Living are collectively hereinafter named: the “contest organizers”. The contest runs on the Internet, from 20/07/2015 at 8:00 PM 20/07/2015 at 9:00 PM ET (hereinafter: the “contest period”).


2. This contest is open to all persons residing in Canada of at least 18 years old of age. The following persons are excluded; employees, agents and representatives of Québecor Média inc., of Groupe TVA inc., of their parent and affiliated companies, their advertising and promotional agencies, partners, suppliers of prizes, materials and services related to this contest, or any other party directly linked to the holding of this contest, or their brother, sister, children, mother, father, their legal or common-law spouse and individuals with whom such employees, agents and representatives are domiciled.



3. No purchase necessary. To participate in the contest, you simply have to enter the contest by visiting Canadian Living’s twitter page and using #CL40 in your tweets.

Entrants must respect the following limits, otherwise the contest organizers reserve the right to cancel one or several of their entries :

• One participation per person per day during the contest period;
• A person cannot register more than one e-mail address per person, in the case where a person has more than one;
• A person entering more than once a day or using multiple email addresses will be automatically removed from the ballot list;


4. The following prize is offered :

One Signed pair of pointe shoes

The following conditions apply:

• The prize is not exchangeable and non-transferable; and
• The prize has to be accepted as it is; and
• The contest organizers will determine with the winner the date; and
• The contest winner must disclose all of his and his friends allergies at least 30 days before the cooking session; and
• If the prize or a portion of it is not used, no compensation will be given.


5. On 20/07/2015 at 9:00 PM in Toronto, at the office of Canadian Living, a random selection of entry form will be held among all eligible entry forms registered in conformity with section 3, in order to attribute the prize described above.

6. The odds of a participant’s entry form being randomly selected depend upon the number of eligible entry forms registered in conformity with the regulations and rules.


7. In order to be declared a winner, each selected entrant must :

a) Have answered correctly the mathematical skill-testing question that appears on the release form; and

b) Be contacted by phone and/or email by the contest organizers within three (3) days following the random selection; and

c) Sign the declaration and exemption form that will be given to him and return to the contest organizers within 5 days; and

d) Abide to all conditions related to the Prize;

After the declaration and exemption form is correctly filled out and signed, the contest organizers will contact the winner to determine how the Prize will be remitted (by mail or on hand delivery)

8. Failing to comply with one of the conditions stated in the section above or any of the conditions provided in these Contest Rules, the entry of the selected entrant will be cancelled without any liability to the contest organizers whatsoever, and a new draw for that prize will be held according to these Contest Rules until an entrant is selected and declared a winner.


9. Verification. Entry forms are subject to verification by the contest organizers, and contest entrants agree to cooperate fully with contest organizers in such respect. Any entry form which is, as the case may be, incomplete, fraudulent, sent late, that does not bear the correct answer to the mathematical skill-testing question will automatically be rejected and will not give right to a prize, and contest organizers shall have no liability in such respect, or in respect of lost, misdirected of garbled communication, printing, prizing or distributor errors.

10. Non-conforming entries. The contest organizers reserve the right to disqualify any person or cancel one or many entries of any person participating in this contest or trying to participate by means contrary to these Contest Rules or in a manner which is unfair to the other entrants (e.g.: entries exceeding the permitted limit, computer hacking, etc.). Such person may be referred to the appropriate judicial authorities.

11. Acceptance of prize. Any prize must be accepted as described in the present Contest Rules and cannot be transferred to another person, substituted for another prize nor exchanged in part or in whole for a sum of money, subject to what is stated in the following section. Prize is accepted “as is” without any warranty whatsoever.

12. Substitution of prize. In the event where, for reasons not related to the winners, the contest organizers cannot award a prize (or part of a prize) as described in these Contest Rules, they reserve the right to award a prize (or part of a prize) of the same nature and of equivalent value or, at their sole discretion, the cash value of the prize (or part of the prize) as mentioned in these Contest Rules.

13. Refusal to accept a prize. The refusal of a randomly selected person to accept a prize according to the terms and conditions of these Contest Rules releases the contest organizers of any obligation related to that prize towards that person.

14. Liability – prize’s supplier. Each participant who is selected for a prize recognizes that upon reception of the confirmation of his status as the winner of the prize, the execution of the services in respect to the prize is the sole responsibility of the supplier of the prize, in this case, Groupe TVA inc. and Canadian Living. A declaration to this effect may be included in the declaration and exemption form.

15. Liability limit – use of prize. Any selected person releases Québecor Média inc., Groupe TVA inc., and Canadian Living. and their parent and affiliated companies, their advertising and promotional agencies, their employees, agents and representatives from any and all liability for any and all damages he/she may suffer from the acceptance or use of his/her prize. In order to be declared a winner, any selected person agrees, if required, prior to obtaining his/her prize, to sign a Declaration Form to such effect.

16. Liability limit – running of the contest. Québecor Média inc., Groupe TVA inc., and Canadian Living. and their parent and affiliated companies, their advertising and promotional agencies, their employees, agents and representatives are not liable for faulty computer components, software, or communication lines, relating to any transmission that is faulty, incomplete, incomprehensible or erased by any computer or network that could limit the possibility or prevent any person from participating in this contest. Québecor Média inc., Groupe TVA inc., and Canadian Living. and their parent and affiliated companies, their advertising and promotional agencies, their employees, agents and representatives also will not be held liable for any damages or loss that could arise, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from downloading any Internet page, any software or any form and by the transmission of any data regarding the participation in this contest.

17. Modification. The contest organizers reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend this contest, in whole or in part, in the case of the occurrence of an event, an error or any human intervention that could corrupt or affect the administration, safety, impartiality or the running of the contest as foreseen in these Contest Rules, subject to the approval of the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux du Québec, if required. In any case, the contest organizers, their parent and affiliated companies, their advertising and promotional agencies, the suppliers of products or services related to this contest as well as their employees, agents and representatives cannot be held liable to award more prizes than those indicated in these Contest Rules or to award prizes otherwise than in compliance with these Contest Rules.

18. Impossibility to act – including labour dispute Québecor Média inc., Groupe TVA inc., and Canadian Living. and their parent and affiliated companies, their advertising and promotional agencies, their employees, agents and representatives will not assume any liability whatsoever in any case where their incapacity to act would result from a fact or a situation beyond their control or a strike, lock-out or any other labour dispute in their establishment or in establishments of organizations or enterprises which services are used for holding this contest.

19. Liability limit– participation. Any person who participates or tries to participate in this contest releases the contest organizers, their parent and affiliated companies, their advertising and/or promotional agencies, their employees, agents and representatives, from any and all liability for damages which he/she could suffer from participating or trying to participate in this contest.

20. Authorization. By entering this contest, any winner authorizes the contest organizers, their partners and their representatives to use, if required, his/her name, photograph, likeness, declaration related to the prize, place of residence and/or voice without remuneration whatsoever and that, at their discretion and without limit as for the period of use, in any media and on a worldwide scale, for publicity purposes or for any purpose that will or may be pertinent.

21. Communication with entrants. No communication or correspondence will be exchanged with entrants in the context of this contest except with those selected for a prize.

22. Decisions of the contest organizers. All decisions of the contest organizers or those of their representatives regarding this contest are final and binding, subject to any decision by the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux du Québec in relation to matters under its jurisdiction.

23. Litigation. Any litigation respecting the conduct or organisation of a publicity contest may be submitted to the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux for a ruling. Any litigation respecting the awarding of a prize may be submitted to the Régie for the purpose of helping the parties reach a settlement.

24. Identification of the entrant. For the purposes of these Contest Rules, the entrant is the person whose name appears on the entry form and it is to this person to whom the prize will be awarded if he/she is selected and declared a winner.

25. Precedence: If an article in this regulation were to be declared or deemed illegal, unenforceable or invalid by a competent authority, then this article would be considered null and non-written, but all other items would not be affected and would find application in limits and authorized by law

26. Rules contest. This is the official regulations and rules for the contest « win a signed pair of Sonia’s pointe shoes ». The contest rules are available on TVA Website .

27. Non affiliation. This contest is not affiliated or sponsored by Facebook.

28. Personal information. The personal information collected on the participants of this contest are used only for the administration of the contest. No commercial communication or other, not linked to the contest, will be sent to the participants by the contest organizers except if the participants have authorized the contest organizers, and in the case of Canadian Living., it’s affiliates, to send such communication by checking the opt-in on the electronic entry form.