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Six-Week Slim-Down: Your motivations and how to remember your “why”

Remember your "why"

Photography: Getty Images

Last week, as part of the Six-Week Slim-Down, we talked about the importance of sharing your goals and motivations with others and asked you to share your healthy inspirations on our blog and on social media. Here’s what some of you said was motivating you to get healthy in 2016.

“In a word? AGE! I really want to be a better, happier and healthier person from the inside out.” — Roxanne Van Metre

“My family. I want to show them how important it is to live healthy. I don’t want to feel tired all the time. I should be getting enough sleep and eating the right food, so that my body gets the nutrients, vitamins and water it needs.” — Sandra Cuttler McClelland

“I got healthy last year by taking up running, making changes to my diet and losing over 30 pounds. My motivation this year is to keep that weight off and then run a 10K.” — Erin Sutton

“I’m 61 and wish that I’m able to remain strong and active as long as possible.” — Teresa Frigge

“I’m tired if hating what I see in the mirror.” — Melissa Ann

“I need to slim down for my health. Plus [I’m] off to UK for a wedding and would like to lose 50 pounds by July.” — Glenys Basson

“My three (soon four) wonderful children. I want to set an example and help them live healthy lives.” — Bryanna McManus


As you can see, people’s reasons for getting healthy are all very individual, but according to Maureen Hagan, fitness expert and vice-president of program innovation and fitness development at GoodLife Fitness, there is one very good reason for us all to keep a clear focus on what’s motivating us. “Identifying a deeper, subconscious connection to your goal is one of the best ways—if not the best way—to achieve long-term success,” she says. But, since even the most motivated among us will encounter peaks and valleys on our healthy journey, Hagan offers a few great tips for how to get back to that initial inspiration that will drive you to keep going. Here’s what she had to say:

Make a pro/con list. 

Write down all of the things you may miss out on if you don’t accomplish your goals. Then, take that list and THROW IT OUT! Remove those things from your mind, literally and figuratively. Next, write out a list of the things that will happen when you achieve your goal. Put the list in a place you will see it every day or take it a step further and schedule them into your phone so a benefit pops up each day or week.

Find your reset button. 

We all have days when we just feel off and it’s just not happening! For those days, you need a reset button—something that refocuses you, brings you back to your happy place and serves as a reminder of your “why.” My reset buttons are running and reading a chapter of El Halrod’s The Miracle Morning. Maybe for you it’s a song that puts you in a great mood, or a picture of your kids. Whatever it is, press that reset button (so to speak), and let it serve as a reminder of why you originally set your goal.

Keep up the great work everyone. You can do this!

Maureen Hagan

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